Kevin Haller
Kevin's passion for art arose from growing up in the Missouri Ozarks (Osage County, Freeburg, MO). Art springs from nature, and nature is all around you when you live on a rural family farm. The blessing was magnified by having an identical twin brother (Keith). Days were filled with non-stop outdoor pursuits by the two. The fun literally never stopped, and the appreciation of nature grew with every experience.
Many rivers, creeks, and farm ponds were nearby, and Kevin developed a keen interest in fishing, and this ultimately sparked the desire to paint. Seeing fishing art on the cover of fishing magazines, Kevin was profoundly impressed that art could generate the feeling and excitement of being there. In particular, Kevin credits "fishing facts" magazine and Wisconsin master wildlife artist, Wiley Miller. In his early teens, Kevin purchased a paint set to copy the art that he saw, and his journey of a lifetime began.
Kevin has no academic art training, but he does not lack art education. He has studied art on his own his whole life, amassing a small library in the process. This written knowlege as well as nature are his teachers.
Kevin is blessed by marriage to Penny. Penny's love and support of his art are the cure for the bad days and the toast on good ones.