Adam Clague


Comic-book superheroes comprised the bulk of Adam Clague's portfolio until age twelve, when he tested his skills at realistically rendering a grouping of soda cans. This work, entitled "Pop Art," gained Adam his first art award, a "Best of Show" at the Michigan State Fair. Since then, the challenge of accurately capturing visual reality has fueled Adam's passion for art.

The artist received his training at Pensacola Christian College, where he earned a Masters degree in Fine Arts. While pursuing his degree, Adam taught drawing and painting classes at the college. His own instruction came from master painter Brian Jekel, who gave expert teaching on the skills of representational painting. Today, Adam strives to faithfully depict his subjects while maintaining the intrinsic beauty of his chosen medium.

Adam credits Christ Jesus his Lord for his skills and for the ability to daily pursue art. He gladly directs all the glory for his work and life back to his Savior, who sacrificed everything for him.